So you're ready to become a professional esports coach? Well buddy, you're in the right place.
I help ambitious esports coaches like you master esports coaching and build a career that pays you what you are worth so you can entirely focus on your passion.

You are here because you're ready for a change.
If you are like most esports coaches, you want to coach higher-level teams that also pay you a full-time or more salary, but you struggle to get the results and attention for higher-level teams to notice you and hire you.
You want to become a much better coach than you are right now, but you have no idea how to get started.
You have tried following the tips and advice of fellow coaches, but it never seems to work for you or is not what you were looking for. It is usually too vague, and not practical enough for you to implement it as they would.
You currently feel stuck, maybe even frustrated, and don't know where to start. You feel it is time to make a change, ready to take your coaching to the next level, but don't know where to start.
You feel that if only you had the skills and formulas to win championships and learn how to promote and market yourself, you could fulfill your dream as a professional esports coach in high-level competitions.
Let's turn those dreams into a reality, buddy.
Hi, my name is Donny, and I help esports coaches who are stuck in their development and career. I help you master esports coaching so you can turn your passion into a career.
Why I do what I do with Next Level Esports
I totally get how you're feeling right now, because I've been there myself. I was a collegiate League of Legends esports player in 2015, and my team was assigned a coach. I was very excited, because I thought it would be very helpful to have someone to structure practice for us, and help us improve on all aspects in and out of the game. Unfortunately, everything I hoped for did not become reality...
Although our coach then was a very friendly guy and had his best intentions to help us, he only pointed out mistakes in our gameplay and there were clearly things missing: lack of structure, stimulation and motivation, personal attention and just telling us what to do instead of doing it as a team, no team cohesion and clarity. I felt frustrated and empty. Our potential as players was far from being able to come out even with his excellent understanding of the game. Because of this, I decided to become a coach next season, and so I did.
After having a much more positive experience being a coach, I wanted to develop myself as an esports coach further. But there was a problem. Nowhere on earth or the internet was there an esports coaching course or quality resources—only some very low quality or general advice posts on the internet. I felt like my progression as a coach pretty much stopped.
After many months of thinking about it and being frustrated of being stuck, I heard my inner voice telling me that "If no one is going to do it, then I will do it," and so in 2018 I started Next Level Esports to help support esports coaches mastering their craft. Providing them all the things I have missed and so much more...
As I transformed traditional coaching, business, and teaching approaches towards the esports context for myself and the coaches I worked with, I was able to quickly grow into the role of a professional performance coach using positioning and marketing strategies. During this time I designed and experimented and sharpened many approaches to help support esports coaches and have their players thrive. And with that, before I knew it, coaching esports was no longer just a hobby for me.
Having helped four teams win regional championships in League of Legends and CounterStrike Global Offensive, and one Pakistani FIFA player win a National Championship, you could say that the approaches I have developed over the years are working as intended.
Now since 2018, we have supported well over 500+ esports coaches who were stuck in their development and career. They went through our programs and/or courses, and have found success on various levels, with stories of reaching a higher level team and earning their first salary or their first coaching clients, all the way to coaches developing the right skills to grow from an amateur coach to reaching a world championship being a professional high-level coach or able to buy a house with their earnings from coaching.
If they can do it, so you can do too.
Ready to take your esports coaching to the next level?
Whether you're a new and inexperienced esports coach or already working as an esports coach for many years, and anything in between, I have got you covered. Discover how we can work together to help you turn your passion into a (more) fulfilling career that earns you more money.
I'm ready!Trusted By
What Makes Next Level Esports Different
I have learned over the years that Next Level Esports' super power is not providing "information" but truly providing "transformation." With some even saying it is the best learning experience they ever had.
We are able to transform coaches quickly by providing the most ridiculous practical ways for esports coaches to learn and successfully implement the approaches. This not only drastically speeds up your development process, saving you years of trying by yourself, but also makes coaching even more exciting and fun.
We have a very supportive esports coaching community that celebrates with you and helps push you towards your goals. You can surround yourself with likeminded coaches that are just as passionate about coaching like you are.
We live by the saying: "Use it or lose it." Nothing is more of a waste of time than learning something meaningful and not using it. Because of this, we use transformational exercises during our courses and programs. We often practice together in a live setting, and provide a step-by-step framework paired with expert feedback, guaranteeing a successful experience in applying new coaching behaviors. This will grant esports coaches immediate confidence and competence to apply it in your coaching environment, and see immediate results from your changed coaching approach on top of that you will not forget it. You will never coach the same way again after learning from us.
It is time to let go of being stuck and frustrated
I am here to help you to turn your hobby into a professional career by mastering esports coaching.
I want to help esports coaches like you realize that becoming a professional esports coach that makes a living of their career is possible - without the endless grind and uncertainty that comes with it.
You want help to get where you want to be faster and with more fulfillment and excitement.
Let's do that, together.