Choose your next level coach.
Become more impactful by upgrading your skills, fill your coaching toolbox to the brim with tools to have easy-to-use solutions for any challenge and situation. And learn how to position and market yourself so you can make more money doing what you love, coaching.

The Esports Team Formula
Make any team a good team, and make a good team a championship team. Through 7 clearly defined steps and the metaphor of climbing Mount Everest (which is pretty damn hard, just like forming synergy), and many real esports examples, you will learn how to build a synergized team step by step.

10-week Esports Coach Revolution Course
Generally improve on all aspects as a coach to become a highly effective and professional coach, and learn to position and market yourself so you can grow your career and make more money in 10 weeks.

30 Masterclass Bundle
Are you looking for specialized topics and points of improvement as an esports coach? Then the 30 Masterclass bundle might be for you. The bundle deep-dives into various topics to improve your coaching, performance coaching, developing players and teams, and how to grow your career.